In this #digitalworld we live in, nothing worries me and keeps me up at night than watching a youtube video that could change my perception of something, or reveals new information to me that could potentially change the course of my life and then I discover that this video was published 5 years ago!
This then raises the question about the current quality of the recommendation engine currently in place by the likes of Youtube, Facebook, Twitter and other platforms, don’t get me wrong, I think they are state-of-the-art and are doing a very good job, the only problem is they recommended this life-changing video to me five years after it was published!
This also signifies the importance of Data & AI in our lives, and how these technologies not only capable of changing the course of life for each individual, business or organisation but perhaps also have the potential to change human history altogether, and day by day I realise that Data & AI are not just important for the greater good of humanity, but also will definitely help me get some good sleep.